Tips for Achieving Intentions with Intuitive Awareness

In this article, I will discuss tips on manifesting your intentions, particularly using Moon Cycles. I often use this process to manifest my short-term intentions. I can say that I have always achieved my intentions so far by trusting the flow and fully participating in the process without attachment to the outcome. I hope it contributes to your processes too. Let’s get started!

The Mindful Creation Process is the practice of consciously creating your future. In fact, we are all co-creators of this reality, and we can create whatever we desire consciously. The first step is deciding to take control and accept responsibility.

The Law of Attraction is real and works just like the law of gravity. It may not seem entirely real to you because it is often widely talked about and sometimes misrepresented. But when you experience it, you will see that it is a fully real and functioning process. There are many books on this topic, but for beginners, I recommend Aykut Oğut’s “Evrenden Torpilim Var” and Pam Grout’s “E2: You Have a Right to Be Rich.” Later, you can read “Resonance Law” by Pierre Franckh.

Below, I will provide some practical tips to help you mindfully create what you want in life. In each step, I recommend using visualization or imagery to assist in the creation process. Understanding the mechanics of creation is essential to support visualization.

  1. State Your Intentions Consciously

When starting the mindful creation process, stating your intention is the most critical step because you plant the seeds of what you physically desire at this stage. The most crucial thing to remember is to align your emotions with your intentions. Energetic preparation is often required to align your soul with the frequency of your intention. The best time to set monthly intentions is during the New Moon phase. For example, the next New Moon is on August 8th. You can prepare until that date and start your practice on that day.

  1. Merge Energies

Now that you have stated your intention, it’s time to create the energy of your intention. You can do this by seeking guidance from natural, energetic sources such as crystals and plants. Just like everything else, crystals and plants have their own frequencies. You can use these frequencies to merge or elevate them with the energy of your intention. I plan to write specifically about crystals, but for now, you can use any crystal you have at home to strengthen your intention energy. I also recommend burning sage or taking a bath with Epsom salt in the space where you will work.

  1. Work with Natural Energy Cycles

I recommend working with natural energy cycles to integrate the frequency of your intention into the energetic matrix and then create it in physical reality. One of the most significant natural energy cycles on Earth is the monthly lunar cycle. The lunar cycle has four main phases: New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, and Last Quarter. The New Moon is the time for setting intentions. The First Quarter is when you take the physical action required to manifest your intention. The Full Moon is the time when you help integrate the frequencies of your intention into physical reality. The Last Quarter is the time to express gratitude for everything you have manifested so far. There are many supportive practices and rituals to be done during this process. I recommend researching them.

  1. Expand Physical Energy

This is the place where you infuse your intention with physical energy. The key here is to focus all the physical energy you apply on manifesting your intention. You can visualize your physical energy flowing into your intention. Imagine your intention becoming heavier due to all the increased physical energy, ready to fall from the spiritual and abstract realm into physical reality, like an apple falling from a tree. It is also essential to maintain positive emotions without doubt during this process.

For example, if you intend to attract positivity into your life, you can decide to organize and clean your house or room to eliminate all old energies. You can link the physical energy spent on cleaning and decluttering with the idea of removing everything that doesn’t serve you positively. This step is best done during the First Quarter phase.

This step is vital. The entire mindful creation process is mainly working with divine feminine energy. This step is where we integrate the energy of the divine masculine, representing the physical work needed. Therefore, this step is where the feminine and masculine energies come together in a significant creation phase. Integrating the physical work’s energy into your intention will significantly aid in its manifestation.

  1. Be in the Energy of Gratitude

Being grateful and giving thanks is a way to release stagnant energy and increase the energetic flow. It also helps realign your intentions. So, when you start to feel that your emotions are moving away from a positive state, remind yourself of what you are grateful for. This step is best done after the Full Moon, during the Last Quarter phase.

I recommend experiencing these processes. I plan to hold workshops on this topic, but if you want to try it yourself, you can contact me for questions. To engage in conscious manifestation effectively, put yourself on a monthly manifestation program and follow it with a schedule. This process will help you balance the divine feminine and masculine energies in your life and significantly aid in conscious manifestation.

With endless love,

nihal altunsüzer
About the Writer

I was born in Adana, Turkey in 1978, am married, and have two children. My family and I moved to the United States in 2022. I graduated from Çukurova University and had a 16-year-long career in management. I am now a professional life and student coach. In 2022, I published a book on intra-family communication. I continue my work and offer my courses online.

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