The Power of the Collective and the Maharishi Effect – Strength Comes from Unity

In this article I wrote in relation to the current state of the world, I will discuss the concept of collective consciousness and the contributions that individuals can make to this consciousness. I will share evidence and data from a very special study that demonstrates how the dominant emotional state of societies affects the world and its consequences.

This special study is called the Maharishi Effect.

In 1960, a Yogi named Maharishi Mahesh predicted that if one percent of the population practiced the Transcendental Meditation® technique, measurable improvements in the quality of life for the entire population would occur. This phenomenon was first proposed in 1974 and published in an article in 1976. The finding showed that when one percent of a community meditated, the crime rate would decrease by an average of 16 percent. This phenomenon was called the Maharishi Effect.

The Maharishi Effect is generally defined as the influence of coherence and positivity in the social and natural environment that arises from the application of certain meditation techniques.

Based on similarities in physical systems, scientists predicted that the coherence created by group practice of this program should be proportional to the square of the number of participants. Taking into account the “1%” finding, it was predicted that a group of the size equal to the square root of 1% of the population would have a measurable effect on the quality of life of that population.

For example, in a city of four million people (100 x 200 x 200), a group of 200 individuals practicing the mentioned meditation program together would be sufficient to create a measurable effect on the entire city. A group of 1,600 individuals in the United States would influence 256 million people (100 x 1600 x 1600), the entire population of the United States, and a group of 7,000 individuals would influence the then global population of 4.9 billion (100 x 7000 x 7000).

Within ten years of the discovery of this program, it was implemented in large groups, and the initial statistical analysis of its effects was published in 1987. These effects showed an approximately 11 percent decrease in total crimes, including violent crimes, in places such as Washington, D.C. Similar decreases in total crime rates were observed in Manila and Delhi. The p-values (probability of randomly occurring observed changes) for these three effects were found to be excellent in the field of social sciences, with values of 0.01, 0.005, and 0.001, respectively.

Subsequent research confirmed the existence and universality of the Maharishi Effect. In 1993, it was tested under careful scrutiny by an esteemed review board in Washington, D.C., and the maximum decrease in violent crimes was 23.3 percent. The statistical probability that this result could reflect chance variations in crime levels was less than one in two billion (p <.000000002).

Due to the novelty of the theory and phenomenon in modern science, the methodology of a study on the Maharishi Effect underwent rigorous analysis by journal review boards before being accepted for publication.

As a result, the research was hailed as a gem in the field of social science, not only because of its importance but also because of the quality of its methodology.

Now, all of these writings were meant to satisfy your left brain, as our minds still seek proof for everything. Well, that’s not a bad thing as long as you manage to establish a connection with the essence and learn to nourish yourself not only from proof but also from it…

Now, let’s move on to what the study revealed in addition to its statistical results:

The Maharishi Effect suggests that just as stressed individuals can suddenly erupt into violence, a tense collective consciousness supports the emergence of high crime rates, whether they are characterized by anger or any other form of inconsistency.

Ultimately, the lack of individual and societal success resulting from an inevitably inconsistent atmosphere leads to a state where neither the individual nor the society is satisfied.

It advocates for a strong mutual relationship between individual consciousness and collective consciousness and argues that individual consciousness is the basic unit of more complex collective consciousness levels.

As individual consciousness grows, collective consciousness rises, and as collective consciousness rises, individual consciousness also grows. Individual consciousness is the fundamental unit of all collective consciousness levels – family consciousness, community consciousness, national consciousness, and world consciousness – it affects them all and is, in turn, affected by them. – Maharishi Mahesh

When the effect is positive, life progresses harmoniously. If individual stress and tension spread to collective consciousness uncontrollably, it creates a negative effect on society and generates even more stress and tension in individuals. This increased stress leads to less coherence or consistency in both individual and collective consciousness. Ultimately if left unaddressed, it can be observed through social unrest, violence, and an increase in loss of life, such as murder and accidents.

The symbol of meditation, which is the main subject of this study, actually allows us to emit a steady energy around us with unconditional love and a state of peace by activating the right brain. Everything vibrates in the world, and the meditative state contributes to living in a state of love and peace by vibrating toward the high frequencies you can see in the visual below. It protects us from illness, depression, or any negative condition. Being at least 250 and above contributes to the beauty of your experiences. (528 Hz, the frequency of love: click here to read the related article.)

Looking at the other side of the coin, we see chaos, disease, and terrorism… negative emotions that exploit individuals with a low-frequency state of fear, draining their power and leaving them in a survival mode, activating the primitive brain. In this state, societies, and even the whole world, become susceptible to being directed by the directives of the dominant negative order, turning individuals into followers who don’t question and comply.

Therefore, as I always write,

Taking all precautions

Taking care of our bodies

Staying positive

Transforming fear energy into love energy

Avoiding individuals, events, and media content that create tension or keep you in a low-frequency state

Engaging in meditation or mindfulness exercises in a state of positive emotion

Listening to high-frequency music. For example, high-quality instrumental classical music or mantras if you are accustomed to them

Everything begins with questioning what is done and what is happening. Unfortunately, very few people in the world question and are willing to take control of their power. But if you have read this article and have come this far, you are one of those chosen individuals, those beautiful souls who want to contribute to the world.

So, come on, discover your power for the world, and contribute to the rise by starting somewhere.

Remember, we are in this together…

With Infinite Love,

Note: The study was conducted with Transcendental Meditation, but I believe the same applies to any meditation practice that allows you to elevate your frequency. You have to start somewhere. The larger the groups, the more contribution to the whole.

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About the Writer

I was born in Adana, Turkey in 1978, am married, and have two children. My family and I moved to the United States in 2022. I graduated from Çukurova University and had a 16-year-long career in management. I am now a professional life and student coach. In 2022, I published a book on intra-family communication. I continue my work and offer my courses online.

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