Change Your Story Change Your Life (Workshop)
Each of us are the unreliable narrators of our own lives. I am, you are, and so is everyone you know…
In this workshop, you will learn the language of storytelling of the brain, and how to change your stories in a way that will positively contribute to you.
Join the Workshop
$75 / One Time
In scelerisque massa sed nisl condimentum, ut sollicitudin dolor posuere. Etiam sed maximus lacus. Cras sit amet justo iaculis augue elementum rutrum. Nunc dui eros, tempus ut mi non, congue rhoncus mauris. Cras vitae feugiat urna, sed dapibus augue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla sit amet auctor enim, nec vulputate elit. Nam pharetra mollis finibus. Nullam quis aliquet erat.